Note: The YQNA constitution is reproduced here but is also available as a PDF document.
York Quay Neighbourhood Association
(March 8, 2011)
1. Name: The name of the organization shall be York Quay Neighbourhood Association (YQNA)
2. Mission:
2.1. The mission of the York Quay Neighbourhood Association is to:
– Protect and improve the unique character of the neighbourhood
– Provide leadership that enables residents to exercise their rights
– Provide a forum for giving and receiving information that is vital to the quality of life in the neighbourhood
– Identify and respond to issues that will have an impact on the neighbourhood
2.2. To carry out this mission, the York Quay Neighbourhood Association will:
– Work with other associations and organizations on matters of mutual concern and for the betterment of the neighbourhood
– Operate on a consensus-building basis
– Respect the cultural and environmental diversity of the neighbourhood
– Have ongoing contact with staff and councillors at Toronto City Hall, members of Provincial and Federal Governments, and other members of the public and private sector on matters relevant to the YQNA area and the City of Toronto.
3. Membership:
3.1. Membership in the YQNA will be open to all residents, property owners and business owners in the area, which YQNA represents, namely the area bounded by Lake Ontario to the South, Spadina Avenue to the West, Yonge Street to the East and Lake Shore Blvd. to the North. [When new buildings north of Queens Quay become populated and active, they might generate a new, separate association. A subsequent change to YQNA’s boundaries can be decided by a majority vote of the Board.]
3.2. Non-resident members are welcome, provided they are active in YQNA committee work that is York Quay neighbourhood focused
3.3. The key voting decisions will be taken by the Board. At the discretion of the Board, on matters considered important, a “straw vote” will be taken at a bi-monthly Board meeting. In such cases, each member, attending the meeting, will have one vote. However, the final decision will rest with the Board.
4. Executive Officers:
Executive Officers of the YQNA are:
– One Chair or two or more Co-Chairs
– Secretary
– Treasurer
5. Board of Directors:
5.1. The Board will have a minimum of 10 members. The Board will be composed of the Executive Positions and other Directors elected to give broad representation from condo buildings within the area.
5.2. Vacancies on the Board may be filled by a simple majority vote at any meeting.
5.3. Conflicts of interest by Board Members can undermine YQNA’s effectiveness as a voice for the community. Members of the Board must declare any conflict of interest, especially with respect to employment, and excuse themselves from discussion and votes on issues related to that conflict.
5.4. Directors must have an e-mail address.
6. Meetings:
The YQNA Board will meet bi-monthly, five times a year, in January, March, May, September and November
6.1. Speakers may be invited to present issues that are vital to the neighbourhood.
6.2. The Board as necessary can call additional meetings.
6.3. Board meetings will hear reports from Directors and Committee Chairs.
6.4. Board meetings will hear questions, deputations, raise and discuss issues and be open to all residents of the area
6.5. Motions related to the affairs and mission of the YQNA will be moved, seconded and voted upon by members of the Board. A simple majority prevails.
6.6. Any member of YQNA can ask that a motion be considered by the Board.
6.7. A quorum for voting purposes will be a simple majority of the Board Membership
6.8. Members of the Board will be elected at the November Annual General Meeting of YQNA.
7. YQNA Committees:
The following are the Official YQNA Standing Committees:
– Planning and Development
– Noise
– Traffic and Parking
– Communications and Website
– Police Liaison
– Harbourfront Centre Liaison
– Waterfront Toronto Liaison
– Toronto Port Authority Liaison
7.2. Other Committees, either Standing Committees or Limited Term Committees may be established as agreed to by the YQNA Board.
7.3. Committees can be dissolved by majority Board vote if they become obsolete.
7.4. Membership on any Committee is open to any interested Director or resident at the invitation of, or with the approval of, the YQNA Executive.
7.5. Committee Chairs are selected by the general membership of YQNA or appointments can be at the recommendation of the Committee Members.
7.6. Committees will meet at times and frequencies appropriate to carrying out their mandate.
7.7. All Committees work with, and through, the YQNA Board, not alone.
7.8. Committees can add new members as interest and need arise.
7.9. Committees of YQNA will from time to time work with other YQNA Committees, as situations require.
7.10. Members of YQNA committees will declare conflicts of interest in the same manner as described in 5.1 above.
7.11. Whenever possible, Committee Members should have access to e-mail in order to foster good communication and involvement.
8. YQNA Communications:
8.1. Any information, such as letters, website content, articles, opinion pieces and other communications on behalf of YQNA, going out in the name of the Association, must be distributed to the Executive Officers to read and prior to going out, must be approved by a majority of the Executive Officers who provide comments.
8.2. The Chair or a Co-chair of YQNA can speak publicly on behalf of YQNA, always reporting back to the Board on any such communications.
8.3. Directors can speak publicly on behalf of YQNA after consultation with the Board, and reporting back to the Board on any such communications.
8.4. Committees will utilize distribution lists to ensure that all committee members are involved in issues and discussion.
9. Membership and Membership Lists:
9.1. The Chair of the Communications Committee will create a Board Membership List, with names, positions, phone numbers and e-mail addresses. This list will be circulated to Board Members to facilitate communication. The Chair of the Communications Committee and the Chair, or a Co-Chair, will be responsible for the maintenance, privacy, and security of the YQNA General Membership List. When electronic mail list management software is used, there must be guarantees of List security.
9.2. Neither the YQNA Membership List, nor the YQNA e-mail tree will be shared with any other individual, group, or organization.
9.3. Any communication with the full YQNA membership will come from the Chair, or a Co-chair, and be sent out by the Chair of the Communications Committee. The content of communications can be proposed by anyone connected with YQNA.
10. Signing Powers:
10.1. The Treasurer and two or three other YQNA members shall have bank signing authority in respect of YQNA’s financial responsibilities. Two authorized signatures are required for each disbursement.
11. Amendments:
11.1. Any proposed amendment to this Constitution must be submitted in writing, signed by three active Directors of the Board, at least two weeks prior to a regular or special meeting. After such notice, the motion to amend may be brought forward for discussion at the next meeting of YQNA. The proposed amendment will become part of the Constitution, if approved by a two-thirds majority of those members present and voting.