Urgent Need for YQNA Volunteers

Love Park was created with the help of YQNA.

YQNA has existed for 22 years and is right now in jeopardy. It started with three residents having coffee at a Starbucks, when the Waterfront was quite unattractive and facing major developments. We were new to the area and wanted a say in the future, so we decided to start a neighbourhood association.

The timing was right. We soon attracted residents to YQNA and had plenty of volunteers. They were active in major decisions about buildings, parks and the design of Queens Quay. We all learned from working closely with politicians, planners, developers, Waterfront Toronto, the Waterfront BIA, Harbourfront Centre, the media and many other civic organizations. We watched the Waterfront grow, and many friendships were formed.

Why is this history important now? YQNA appears to have reached an impasse in active membership. People attend our meetings and are clearly interested in our neighbourhood, but hardly any volunteer. At this point, we really need more people to participate or YQNA could fold.

Our wonderful Chair Angelo Bertolas resigned after 7 years, and we are still looking for two co-chairs to replace him. They will take turns chairing our 5 public meetings each year, and talk to media when needed. We also need volunteers to meet every two months with Toronto Police 52 Division; the parks designers at Waterfront Toronto; a support group for Harbourfront Centre and FoSTRA (a coalition of downtown neighbourhood associations). A secretary is needed to create minutes of our public meetings helped by AI. These tasks are interesting and do not require much time. No expertise is needed, just an open mind.

If we want to keep YQNA alive, I urge you to pitch in. YQNA has a great track record and is respected by our many collaborators. Those interested in volunteering or getting more information, click here.

Ulla Colgrass
Planning Committee Chair

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